By zoe777 - 09/11/2013 02:54 - United States

Today, my mother not only told me that my ex-husband will be spending Thanksgiving with her and my dad, but that I'm also no longer invited to spend the holiday with my family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 835
You deserved it 4 355

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks, OP. Why won't you take revenge and go on a family holiday with your ex mother-in-law?

Redgrass7 7

31 I see these FMLs ALL the time. My guess is she cheated on him and left him with the kids, or cleared out his bank account, etc.... Something along those lines. Family isn't going to disown you and pick up the ex because you forgot to bring a dish to a party or something.


ninety 25

They kind of became his family too when she married him. There's probably way more to this story than is being told, and my guess is the omitted details do not paint OP in a favorable light.

Mackay92 14

whatever she did she should be forgiving...**** that she must've done something really bad to make her parents rather spend time with her ex than her

I would be so pissed I'm sorry OP. I would act calm when talking to her but then go and randomly show up, make a huge scene lol

ninety 25

Causing a scene is a good way to validate the reasons they probably didn't invite her. Instead of feeling like they did something crummy they will just be like,"see, I told you."

you must be a real shit person to get your own parents choose for your ex. you defenetly deserve it , there is just no way you are totally innocent in this

None of us know the entire story. Sometimes relatives can just be dicks, and assuming that OP did something wrong makes no sense. "Your parents chose you ex over you? You must be a horrible person." Really?

there's more to thus story OP... what dI'd you during thaf marriage that your parents think is so bad that they sided qith your ex?

You can't choose your family. Most family problems heal with time and bad feelings die off. Try and enjoy the family you do see and enjoy the friends you have. Keep busy if it's messing with your mind too much.

BriCx 8

I think this is a situation where we need more info before determining whether or not this treatment is deserved. What did you do to make your family favor your ex?

my mother did the same thing. she wanted to keep the daughter she never had.