By zoe777 - 09/11/2013 02:54 - United States

Today, my mother not only told me that my ex-husband will be spending Thanksgiving with her and my dad, but that I'm also no longer invited to spend the holiday with my family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 835
You deserved it 4 355

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks, OP. Why won't you take revenge and go on a family holiday with your ex mother-in-law?

Redgrass7 7

31 I see these FMLs ALL the time. My guess is she cheated on him and left him with the kids, or cleared out his bank account, etc.... Something along those lines. Family isn't going to disown you and pick up the ex because you forgot to bring a dish to a party or something.


What is this...I don't even? What kind of family is that ? Sorry for having so rude of a family, OP.

Holy crap we have the same mother! My mother not only banned me from visits but had my exhusband his new wife and her two kids living with her and my brother.

I can't help but think that OP must have done something terrible in order to have their own parents favour the ex over them. Reserving judgement until OP posts again. are family...that makes you not showing up not could maybe show up anyway...

Why would she show up? They dont want her there... Who gives her the right to show up at her parents house uninvited?

Im guessing op sucks a lot since her family dont want her for the festivities

You probably cheated on him, causing the divorce, and your family feels bad so they invited him to thanksgiving.

If the majority is agreeing that you shouldn't come, you must have done something. They wouldn't uninvited for being charming. Perhaps it is time to reflect

Either they are asshles or you were a btch.

Your parents need professional help. And a conscience