By imobesejk - 17/07/2011 00:19 - United States

Today, my mother told me I'm going to get lung cancer. Because she smokes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 211
You deserved it 2 822

Same thing different taste

Top comments

she's going to beat you in that race. not a real race of course, she would be out of breath


its an urban legend. Noone i know has ever had anything called "cancer". its pure propaganda.

She's right - secondhand smoke can cause lung cancer easier than firsthand smoke. Not entirely sure how, but it's true. Which is why I hate cigarettes, cigars, etc. So glad they passed the law that prohibits smoking from inside restaurants - nothing is more irritating than trying to eat with smoke blowing in your face.

you could actually. more people die of second hand smoke then themselves smoking.

LauraKilledKenny 0

both my parents smoke...I sometimes fear getting lung cancer too. the best thing you can do is try to help her quit

CountChoculitis 0

That's just your mom telling you that she doesn't want you around >.