By imobesejk - 17/07/2011 00:19 - United States

Today, my mother told me I'm going to get lung cancer. Because she smokes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 201
You deserved it 2 819

Same thing different taste

Top comments

she's going to beat you in that race. not a real race of course, she would be out of breath


perdix 29

What your mom REALLY means depends on your age. If you are under 18, she really means, "The minute you turn 18, move the **** out." If you are 18 or older, she means, "Move the **** out NOW." Glad I could clear that up for you.

This is quite possible, due to secpnd hand smoke.

tell her your getting married next week to your lover Juan, your Gunna drain her bank accounts, steal her car, and you guys are going to have hot, wild sex on the plane ride to Africa where your's only fair?

samikitty961 8

my mother has smoked since i was three. i second hand smoke two packs a day. i am completly fine and her smoking actually makes me not want to smoke because i see how terrible it is. you'll be okay.

Three of my family members have died of lung cancer and none of them smoked, but they all worked with or lived with smokers. You can't say that OP will be fine because you are. Especially because I assume you are young and have another 60-80 years of life left. You could still develop cancer. OP may be ok, or not. But your experience isn't enough evidence.

butterflyz1961 2

Does she plan on breathing her smoke at you?

bitchslapped22 14

The day smoking is made illegal will be a good day, indeed.

I agree along with with beer since I heard its WORSE then weed.

I wish I could thumb you up twenty times.

d33emar 0

ur mom is trying to make herself feel better.

you have a 99% chance of not getting because 2nd hand smoke is just little particles of a ciggerete

quite frankly, that isn't entirely true. She has just as almost as high of risk of getting lung cancer as her mother. Percentage doesn't guarantee anything. I'm a nurse practitioner, I've been one for 11 years. Regardless of 2nd hand smoking or smoking in general, anybody can get lung cancer. People who smoke have an insanely high risk of lung cancer and many other types of cancer. Particles count as a lot... we as humans are made of them and cells, it's fighting fire with fire. Christopher Reeves wife didn't smoke, and 2nd hand killed her with lung cancer. People who smoke don't always realize these things because the addiction is in their heads to care less about risks and how many people they affect every day. Look it up... I studied for weeks on smoking alone in university. I don't smoke personally, but my ex-husband did.