By FeedMe - 27/05/2011 10:45 - United States

Today, my mother went shopping. She bought three boxes of Popsicles and a giant stuffed dog. She did not buy dinner or toilet paper. I've eaten nothing but cereal and popcorn for three days now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 922
You deserved it 5 676

Same thing different taste

Top comments

get money from her and buy food for YOU

iAmScrubs 19

At least you have a stuffed dog to stroke and calm you down


Buy your own food!!!! Be INDEPENDENT!!!!

That happened to me and my brother when my parents divorced, because my dad doesn't know how to shop. :/ And guys, stop telling them to buy their own food, they're probably too young to have a job and go shopping.

HunterAlpha1 8

someone who is too young to sweep a driveway or rake leaves is too young to post an FML.

or hunter alpha, like in my area no one hires kids to do anything. Nit until they are sixteen or a family member needs a baby sitter

madgrinchhatter 12

Im sixteen and have been looking for a job since i got my national insurance number 8 months ago (in England you cant work until you have your number unless its paper round which is not available in my area. ) And on top of that there is a limit to how much Im allowed to work per wewk due to my age so although i had 5 interviews, they wouldnt hire me because Ill be going to college (16-18 year olds in england, just before uni) therefore unable to do the hpurs they want me to. Finding a job can be much harder than it was for you. Or impossible if your 16th birthday is more than 3 months away (nat ins num gets given to you 3 months prior to you turning 16.

What kind of a mom is she? #parentingfail