By FeedMe - 27/05/2011 10:45 - United States

Today, my mother went shopping. She bought three boxes of Popsicles and a giant stuffed dog. She did not buy dinner or toilet paper. I've eaten nothing but cereal and popcorn for three days now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 922
You deserved it 5 676

Same thing different taste

Top comments

get money from her and buy food for YOU

iAmScrubs 19

At least you have a stuffed dog to stroke and calm you down


Get a job, be self-relient and buy food. maybe??

Get a job, be self-reliant and buy your own food? maybe??

If you're a kid, there are places & people you can call who can help you get food, although they might take you away from your mom. If you're an adult, I agree that you should start taking care of yourself. Either way, maybe a sit-down with your mom in the meantime?

you deserved it you could have eaten popsicles

LittleMissSusie 0

Sounds like your mom is bipolar and in a manic phase. She needs to get checked by a doc asap.

Hint, Hint. She wants you to move the **** out of her basement, so she can set up that S&M dungeon she has always dreamed about. Get a job. Get a life. Get out.

be thankful you at least have popcorn and cereal...some kids don't even get that. better to have something than nothing!

you have another addition to your consistent pattern of food , Popsicles !