By StillPissedOffAtIrony - 06/09/2014 17:25 - United States - Hialeah

Today, my mother yelled at me for not doing all of my homework. She got so mad, she tore up a drawing I'd spent over a week working on. That was my art homework. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 301
You deserved it 3 760

Same thing different taste


I hope she wrote your teacher a note explaining what happened

OP, Make your mom write you a note explaining the situation so your teacher gives you more time to do it again!

Destroying your child's belongings to "punish" them, only teaches them that when you have power you don't have to respect other people. Your mom is a bitch, OP.

But the pieces left in a ziplock Baggie and have your teacher call your mom. Because your mom should defiantly be the one explaining the situation.

MamaRedz92 2

oh hell no I would have yelled at my mom in the spot ! you should tell her to explain to your teacher why you need an exceptional extension on your project ... that's beyond rude even if it weren't home work I wouldn't talk to my mom for a while on principle that if some spends that much time on something you don't destroy it out of anger, that leads to later resentments