By Anonymous - 03/11/2010 18:10 - United Kingdom

Today, my mum and I decided to go on a hike. Beforehand we left my car at the end of the trail and took my mums car to the beginning. After 4 hours we arrived at my car. I had left my keys in mums car. It was a long walk back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 381
You deserved it 29 314

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This wouldn't have been a problem if you'd remembered to bring your emergency jetpacks.


make a double and keep in your wallet ! just dont lose your wallet and this wont happen ever again...

This is a duplicate from a while back... How does this happen? Is op stupid enough to do it twice?

haha that sux but at least you get more extrasize!

Wow OP, FYL for posting an unoriginal FML. I've most certainly read this one before.

:P always keep your keys in your pockets, YDI for being a goldfish ^.~

priya03 0

who calls there mom mum wtf??

Your grammar insults me, their* And in the actual English language (not American English) that's how it is spelled.

Read this before, could very well have happened to you, but I'm seeing people repost FMLs and that's pathetic.

silversonic75 6

......And so, the epic journey for the legendary Car Keys begins where the infamous Trail Of Forgetfullness comes to an end. Now our weary heroes must make the long trek back the way they came in order to obtain this item that is vital to their survival on the unforgiving Mt. Stupidity. However, they shouldn't see this as a trial of suffering. For it is the journey that defines the adventure, not the destination. But they really do need to remember the car keys next time. Join us next week for another exciting episode from: Tales Of The Unprepared!!