By WhatTheFaf - 01/09/2011 14:40 - United Kingdom

Today, my mum yelled at me for wanting to apply to university courses that she doesn't approve of. I'm applying for Biomedical Sciences and Microbiology, she's an unemployed Jehovah's Witness. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 035
You deserved it 2 969

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

And when she is asked what she does in her adult life, she will respond saying, "I walk around to people's houses and annoy people."

Start knocking on doors and see what other people think of your class choices.


Wow... your life really sucks... not for being yelled at by your mum but for having a Jehovah's Witness in your family.

Most of my family are JWs, i am pursuing a science major, most of them are supportive and proud of me. But theres always that one person, one bad apple.

I was once at this same crossroad. Parents are missed but no regrets in not letting the JW doctrine get in the way of my life. Best of luck.

sourgirl101 28

My extended family are all JW. My father left the religion years before I was born (banished) They're good people, I don't understand the hate towards them. Their hearts are in the right place even if their ways are a little far fetch. And I've gone to many meetings, with no effect. (:

amazingandrogen 3

Ah, yes. The fantastic logic of the JWs. Been there, done that, now a social services doing, tattooed, pierced, buddhist queer "disgrace" to my family- and couldn't be happier. My "family" are mostly night janitors, and live crammed together in single wide trailers. Prosperous, aye? Do what you love, and keep in mind that family are the people who support and love you no matter what. Sometimes you have to... edit your family tree to create a circle of people who you can trust and depend on, and visa versa. Good luck, and be happy!

pyrogirl6622 0

Tell her to sit down and let you plan your future where you can make money.

Hint, it means she's worried about it costing her. I hope you either have a great job, saved up for it, or have a scholarship. Not all parents shit logs of money, and for some people it is hard to keep a steady job. If you showed your mom some support, then maybe she would have more motivation.

In my country, the government provides loans for students, and grants for poorer ones. I think it might be the blood thing. JWs object to some medical practices on the grounds that they dont share blood (understandable in the days when a blood transfusion involved some random guy off the street and a length of chicken intestine, less so now) so biomed might conflict with that.

mr_torch91 1

Tell her to have a fag an shut the 'ell up.

silversonic75 6

YDI for not thinking about how science is the enemy of religion. Some people reject what you see as being absolute fact. Ever notice how evolution is a touchy subject for some people who are very religious? There may seem to be ways to prove science, but there is no proof that religious beliefs are wrong. Let people believe what they think is true in this situation. Your mother probably just doesn't accept the theories of science as much as you do. You and your mother seem to be trying to force your beliefs on each other. That is a bad idea no matter who's on what side of this debate. This is an arguement that has been going on since the time religions spread while scientific discoveries were being made. Just think about that...

mikem713 1

Jw's do not brainwash people! If ur not a jw or somebody told about their experience at a meeting needs to get their facts straight!!! Not from a 2nd or 3rd party website ask an actual jw or #60 is right...I know many successful jw's who did go to college...everybody is different..!