By Anonymous - 05/03/2015 02:05

Today, my neighbor at my apartment building told me water from my sink was leaking into his apartment. He told me to call maintenance to fix it, but they won't help unless he calls. He refuses to, and I can't do my dishes without feeling like an asshole. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 339
You deserved it 3 034

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You shouldn't feel like an asshole, he's the one refusing to call.


Britt125 16

I wouldn't care, if anything I'd spend extra time washing my dishes. If he won't call it's his problem not yours.

It's his own fault. Let the water rain.

If he refuses to call just go about your business it's his fault

That's some sick and twisted way of seeing things from the maintenance company... I mean... Water damage can be a really annoying, and expensive, thing to fix if it's not fixed immediately.

Not your issue anymore If it was the toilet that was leaking into his apartment he would certainly be calling

I wouldn't feel guilty at all. He's the one being a dick

Yeah, totally not your problem. Sorry your neighbour is a tool :(.

On the bright side, his apartment is now decorated with a water feature....

momac86 17

Oh well he can just deal with the drip then