By Anonymous - 05/03/2015 02:05

Today, my neighbor at my apartment building told me water from my sink was leaking into his apartment. He told me to call maintenance to fix it, but they won't help unless he calls. He refuses to, and I can't do my dishes without feeling like an asshole. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 339
You deserved it 3 034

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You shouldn't feel like an asshole, he's the one refusing to call.


you tried, and they won't help unless he calls. it's out of your hands. it's on him now, op.

Scynistr 20

You're nicer than I am.. If my water bill wouldn't take a hit, I'd leave the damn water on all night. Nothing to be sorry about, he's the ass for bringing up something that he's unwilling to fix.

CaptainCore993 19

Don't feel like an asshole OP,it's his fault that he is not calling to fix it.Keep doing the dishes and he may call eventually.

gobiteme2 34

Take some pictures of spot where water is leaking, this will document the date. Then send an e-mail to the leasing company that manages the building putting them on notice that there is a problem. I can’t believe they would not respond. Hopefully they will fix ASAP, if not then it is their problem.

Keep washing dishes! Don't feel bad, he's the asshole that won't call. Atleast you can say you tried.

run that sink 24/7 until he calls... "now it is your problem"

arrange a big party I. your apartment ...he will get to know the climax of it....

Leave the water on, I'm sure he'll call pretty quick.

That's not on you op, if he doesn't like it then he should call

If maintenance doesn't tell you it isn't happening