By Anonymous - 05/03/2015 02:05

Today, my neighbor at my apartment building told me water from my sink was leaking into his apartment. He told me to call maintenance to fix it, but they won't help unless he calls. He refuses to, and I can't do my dishes without feeling like an asshole. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 339
You deserved it 3 034

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You shouldn't feel like an asshole, he's the one refusing to call.


ajs1987 15

If he refuses to call, then he can deal with the flooding

You should probably get that fixed anyway. Just complain til maintenance comes out otherwise that's going to cause damage to your place, possibly leaving you liable for charges. If you bitch enough, you'll get your way.

You tried to help him. His refusal to call maintenance takes the responsibility off of your shoulders. I would "encourage" him to get the problem fixed by leaving the water on for a few days.

Well, it's his own fault, he's the one needing to call

If he really cared, he would get it fixed and make the damn phone call.

I would say get a watch, or a clock to hang on the wall. Sorry your boss was being a jerk!

Your not the asshole. He's the asshole

Goblin182 26

Why does maintenance want your neighbor to call to have your sink repaired?

It would be best to record a phone call to the landlord/building maintenance to have auditory proof in case something happens.

if he won't call then obviously he must like getting water in his place. in which case, carry on! besides, some people aren't happy unless they have something to complain about.