By niccy - 09/09/2010 04:33 - United States

Today, my neighbor came up to me, lowered her voice and said, "I suggest you buy some drapes for your bedroom dear..." When she started to walk away, she added, "...and a gym membership." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 541
You deserved it 10 475

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who needs a gym membership when you already have a perfectly good bed capable of enduring all the working out you'll ever need?


wooow. she's a bitchhhhh. forget about the people who said you deserve it, they wouldnt be laughing if it was them.

Ok. it may have been a bit rude, but honestly... it is a bit funny.

Call the police next time you see her peeping.

Is it really considered peeping if you are giving an open display?

cuddlee 0

I love this FML. And 28 posts a tad too much to be talking sh*t that people sit on here all day and read others misfortunes because they're fat.

cupcake_19s 0

this is when you put on a too small bra and spandex and start dancing in front of your window when she's looking.

You deserved it, for not ensuring others couldn't see you having sex and exposing yourself to your neighbors. You should have had curtains in the first place.

What do you do that made them say that?

When you said "lowered her voice" I thought you meant her tone became more manly. I read that in a low monotone voice...

Next time, dance in front of your open window.