By niccy - 09/09/2010 04:33 - United States

Today, my neighbor came up to me, lowered her voice and said, "I suggest you buy some drapes for your bedroom dear..." When she started to walk away, she added, "...and a gym membership." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 541
You deserved it 10 475

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who needs a gym membership when you already have a perfectly good bed capable of enduring all the working out you'll ever need?


lol you have such a helpful neighbour.. that's good! xD haha

sallen0046 4

I have a neighbor like you, and you absolutely deserve it. It's rude and inconsiderate. Even if being seen doesn't bother you, it certainly bothers other people.

UpYoursInAdvance 0

FYL OP and tell that bitch and everyone else that big girls are in style and **** all you skinny bitches...

luckygirl931 0
airbiscuit 0

Your neighbour's a rude bitch, but get some curtains.

people wouldn't complain if the show was enjoyable, get curtains or work yo fat ass out, muffin top.

Matty1188 6

I don't understand ppl that don't have window coverings for their bedroom. Don't you want privacy? I sure don't want the neighbours looking in on me. Unless you live in a very remote area and have no neighbours for miles, it makes no sense.

I'd rather be fat then an asshole like the lot of you people on here!! grow up and stay in school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'd rather be fat then an asshole like the lot of you people on here!! grow up and stay in school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!