By kriseliz - 24/06/2013 04:09 - United States - Aurora

Today, my neighbor knocked on my door to borrow my laundry room key. He was bare-ass naked. When I refused to open the door, he tried to break it down. I had to call the police before he would leave. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 672
You deserved it 3 357

kriseliz tells us more.

kriseliz 9

OP here. Dude was obviously on drugs, incoherent, and, again, naked. When the police arrived, they found his clothes in a pile outside of my door, along with a crack pipe. I was with my disabled mother, and I was not opening that door.

Top comments

Doesn't he have a set of "laundry day" clothes like everyone else? Mine feature a superman undershirt and a pair of spiderman undies..

Good for you OP! Stay safe, people can be super crazy and you never know what the hell they are going to do!


why didnt you just give him the friggen key?

Why would he want to open the door to a naked guy who was acting crazy and violent?

kriseliz 9

OP here. Dude was obviously on drugs, incoherent, and, again, naked. When the police arrived, they found his clothes in a pile outside of my door, along with a crack pipe. I was with my disabled mother, and I was not opening that door.

Good for you OP! Stay safe, people can be super crazy and you never know what the hell they are going to do!

Damn, hope he gets kicked out. Sorry you went through all that! Glad you and mom are safe and you trusted your instincts!

SO glad you're smart enough to keep your door shut and call for backup... you can never tell what someone under the influence of a drug can do. I'm sorry you had to go through that much stress, but hopefully it won't happen again!

That's good you didn't open the door, a crack fiend will do anything to get more. I wouldn't be surprised if he robbed you guys had you opened the door.

YupThtJstHappend 16

explains alot doesn't it !! crack heads these days!! lmao

wow, forget all these crazies saying you should have helped him, he could have ment you bodily harm! Way to be calling the cops! Men dont kniw how careful we have to be. what was it the bad guy said at the end of "Girl with a Dragon Tattoo" people bury their fear of a situation just so they dont offend anyone, thats crazy, you did the right thing lady! Now move before the creep comes back, once a crackhead, always a crackhead, and now hes pissed. Or at least a restraining order

It's likely this was a case of Excited Delirum, which is basically a really insane hyperactive state that happens to people with mental illnesses (usually as a result or related to illegal drug abuse.) You can google videos of cops trying to detain people in this state and seeing them do super-human things. In training, I saw one video of a 110-pound lady in this state who had five officers trying to hold her down. She basically did a one-armed pushup and lifted all of them up.

(con't) It's good you stayed inside. Your actions were smart, but one should have sympathy and empathy for the neighbour. Excited Delirium is not something someone ever experiences willingly and while people can be extremely dangerous while in that state, it is a serious and potentially fatal medical condition and the person should be hospitalized right away.

How would she show sympathy? By jeopardizing her safety and mother's by allowing him in? No. She did the right thing in getting the authorities involved.

He was that low on laundry? If the cops took him indecent could have slid the key under the door...

kriseliz 9

Sure, but then I really don't think he deserved help, and it's my key. No sane person gets naked before visiting the neighbors, and he could have worn dirty clothes, done the laundry and then showered.

Wtf is with the stray of naked men going around on fml?

Why he would think that a woman alone in her apartment would open the door for a deranged naked man is beyond my imagination.

I take it that the guy has never heard of a little thing called a nudist colony.

except he'd probably get kicked out of one for that kind of disrespectful behaviour. even the clothing optional beach i go to doesn't condone lechery or crack, in part because there are lots of families with small children there.

Very true. Some of my close friends live in nudist colonies and would never act like this. Some people go through the liberation stage where they like to do everything naked. It is was the colonists call the noob stage. But reading the OP's follow up this was just a case of drug overdose which is a whole other thing altogether.

YupThtJstHappend 16

I bet you were scared for your life, i would've been. Imagine how crazy that phone call was "Yes officer there is a naked crack-head trying too break down my door send help" lmao

If he is your neighbor than you should know him. He probably left the key in there by accident and needed it to get his keys so he could get into his apartment. And put some clothes on.

wackybulldog 9

That must have been freaky and disgusting.He must have no dignity to leave his home naked