By KingSquisher - 22/12/2016 02:00 - United States - Modesto

Today, my neighbor tried to shoot my dog but missed and hit a rock. A shard of the bullet hit me in the leg and fractured my shin. Hello from the ER. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 527
You deserved it 643

KingSquisher tells us more.

The dog was in the neighbors property "chasing the livestock" she told animal control when in reality the dog was playing with the horse. I went out to retrieve my dog when she shot. Probably didn't see me. The dog has escaped several times to several locations the past three years

Top comments

Tried to shoot your dog... I hope you reported them to the policeman and they're currently trying to say hello from jail.

in this situation I'm going to be "one of those people." call the cops on his ass and then sue his ass. he needs to go to jail. first off, he kind of shot you. that's some shit right there. Buuut he tried to shoot your dog first. hell no. I'd be beating some ass. I like my fur babies more than I like most people so it would definitely be on. I'm glad the pup is Okay and I'm glad your injury wasn't worse than your leg, bc it could have been worse, for sure. good luck with everything.


I'm going to say this really sucks but it would have sucked worse if he killed your dog. I'd take a bullet in the leg for my puppy.

you sue? knew this was an american post when i read it. sorry to hear about your insane gun toting neighbour and your undoubtedly expensive ER trip.

The OP said the dog was on the neighbors property and that the neighbor claimed the dog was chasing the livestock (the horse it was playing with). Unfortunately, OP doesn't have a strong case for suing the trigger happy neighbor. OP was on their property, the neighbor could make the counter claim that OP shouldn't be there and that the they fired to scare the dog away (causing the ricochet which injured OP). Then there's not much OP can do to sue.

Wrong, even though an intruder is on private property, the owner still has a legal duty to look out for the well-being of said intruder. THAT is the law. Sue his pants off OP

Connor1623 10

That is not a law The California law castle doctrine as it is known as states that if an intruder enters your property armed or with any intent to cause bodily harm to you or family you may use deadly force. The op obviously wasn't doing either of those so the person with the gun could make the case that dog was going to hurt his horse then come for him and would have a decent chance of holding up in the court. The op was associated with the dog which wouldn't help him either

You basically just need to make sure you shoot the intruder dead so they can't defend their actions. Then use the Castle Doctrine magic words: "I was in fear for (my/my family/my animal) life/wellbeing."

Sue?!? Good grief people. That's what's wrong with this country. OP was *trespassing* on the shooter's property. OP's dog was also on the shooter's property, and was unrestrained "chasing the livestock" (even by OP's own admission -- the only thing in dispute here is the dog's motive). I love dogs and despise anyone who would shoot a dog unless they absolutely had to BUT OP shares at least half the blame here.

Actually, I was still on my own property when it hit me. They are only separated by a single lane gravel road that is nobody's property

i think he should sue because he stated already that he wasn't on the property. and even if he was does that give you the right to kill someone? and im Canadian so shooting guns at people in general is effed up enough for me. i understand protecting your own life but someone in your yard and you shoot? the ****? he got injured by some trigger happy dog hater. i think he deserves some compensation. even if its only paying him back for the ER trip. which in guessing was expensive.

#56… Somebdy steps on your property does not mean you can shoot them, you moron

SexyMexi21 23

In the state of ("lucky") Kentucky, they recently passed a law saying that upon entry a police officer can, by law, shoot your dog if it moves or barks upon entry of your property. This came about due to a recent drug raid where one dog barked and one was on the sofa and ran down stairs and barked and lunged. The ones arrested are suing for unreasonable seizure of property and violation of constitutional rights. Just be aware, next time your out and about.

cootiequeen4444 11

even if the dog is only barking? they can shoot it no strings attached? that is ****** up, man.. I'm glad I don't live in Kentucky.

IMHO big mistake posting it here with so many details. You should have reported her for shooting you, not your dog. After all, from legal standpoint, shooting a dog is only destroying property, and the bitch should be imprisoned.