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By poopboy - 16/01/2017 10:49

Today, I sat next to this really hot guy in my writing class. We struck up a conversation, and it was going well, until he began describing, in excruciating detail, his IBS and fiber problems, and how he always has to poop. Good to know. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 367
You deserved it 860

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He's probably sick of investing time into a woman and really getting to know and like her before revealing his IBS, so just decided to be upfront about it.

Well, in the bright side, this likely means he feels comfortable enough around you to share really personal information. That, or he just has no filter whatsoever. But it's better for your emotional and mental health if you assume the prior.


Well, in the bright side, this likely means he feels comfortable enough around you to share really personal information. That, or he just has no filter whatsoever. But it's better for your emotional and mental health if you assume the prior.

He's probably sick of investing time into a woman and really getting to know and like her before revealing his IBS, so just decided to be upfront about it.

I'm a nurse. For me this would be a good day. A bad day is where I wear it.

Yeah, the good-looking ones always think they're hot shit.

<p>When you have a disease and live with it for long enough, you tend to lose perspective on what grosses other people out.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>I'm always talking to others about Crohn's, for awareness, and casually reveal that I've worn adult diapers since I was 32, due to repeat surgeries.</p> <p>Ain't no thang to me, but sometimes, I see people cringe and know when to start becoming a little more vague.</p>

It was me, I'm the guy. You were really annoying so I came up with a funny cop out without hurting your feelings but if you're going to take to the internet about another's health issues you deserve to be called out too.

cootiequeen4444 11

I doubt you' re actually the guy, but if the guy really was making it up, that's also making light of what is an awful disease for the people whon suffer from it and that's not okay either. So getting on a high horse about OP bitching on the Internet (which I do agree, is terrible), would be really ******* stupid for guy if he were just BSing (no, not making a pun/joke. well not intentionally at least because now is neither the time nor place

cootiequeen4444 11

*you're (wouldn't let me fix my freaking comment despite have 80 seconds left after the first time it said "couldn't update my comment". Also my previous three things I wrote never showed up.. I was beginning to think I maybe wasn't logged on. wtf?)

<p>That's ok, that's how I met my wife! Im the guy..</p>

Stop making fun of people. It's not funny to make fun of that health issue

Those issues can cause someone to seem flighty or dismissive. It can stop someone from being able to go on adventures or dates or spur of the moment get togethers. If he's confident enough to talk about it that's a good thing, sure it may not be what you wanted to hear or talk about but regardless of his reason for telling you one thing it did was explain why he might not be able to hang out sometimes or why he has to disappear for unknown amounts of time while interacting with you. It's a good

Maybe was not the best time for him to bring it up (especially in great detail) considering it sounds like it was the first time meeting...probably would not make for the greatest first impression....Either way, still a good idea to try to be a bit sensitive. IBS and other digestive diseases can be an awful battle to face alone. Maybe he was just looking for some emotional support? Or maybe he's faced it so long that he just has no filter about it anymore...