By failure - 14/07/2011 16:24 - Russian Federation

Today, my neighbour's boiler broke and flooded his home. To solve the problem, the water company shut off the neighbourhood's water supply while they fixed his boiler. I am now unable to shower, and I smell like a zoo animal. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 539
You deserved it 4 163

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why would they turn off the whole neighborhoods water? can't they just shut off your neighbors?

iAmScrubs 19

I've personally wanted to live in a zoo ever since I first watched Madagascar.


mollysaysrawr_fml 7

guess you have no friends or family nearby to use their showers because clearly that's the logical thing to do instead of smelling

try working on a dairy then come to me and talk about smelling by the end of the day

dinorawrsalot 2

hey could have been worse you could have been in the shower when they cut it off

the water company is stupid, they just have to shut off your neighbor's water. that company is retarded

xe728 9

Why the **** would they shut off your power?

deodorant question mark explanation point