By BornInTheWrongEra - 31/03/2013 06:24 - United States

Today, my neighbours came to yell at me as they could hear my "shit music" through my window during the afternoon, so I turned it off. They then began to play their definition of "quality music" into the late hours of the night. I was listening to the Beatles. They blasted Nicki Minaj. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 240
You deserved it 5 560

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who would willingly listen to Nicki Minaj?

damwoods 12

When you live in the ghetto what can you say .....


the beatles were racist pieces of shit regardless of their talent. i say **** the pretentiousness. they wanna blast onika, put in some headphones if you don't like it