By Boo - 14/07/2011 08:59 - United Kingdom
Same thing different taste
By bumpinthenight - This FML is from back in 2020 but it's good stuff
The future is bleak
By Anonymous - 12/03/2022 10:00
By Ghettogirl4life - 12/07/2011 13:34 - United States
Our house
By Anonymous - 11/05/2014 19:22 - United States
By notenoughunderwearintheworld - 21/07/2013 20:54 - South Africa - Durban
Sort yourselves out
By Anonymous - 01/07/2024 08:00 - United Kingdom
By mdsfkljsfsdrewr - 03/06/2014 19:01 - Lebanon - Beirut
By hometown blues - 26/06/2019 20:30
By fml_anon - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - London
By Wolf145 - 11/10/2012 05:28 - United States - San Francisco
Top comments
bet she shit his/her pants XD
Suck it up Nancy.
5-- Marriage Judy creates more problems.
I would gtfo of there. Or get it blessed. My very first house I bought on my own, a woman had cancer and she hung herself in the garage. No one bought it for years, but you would never think so because it wasn't old looking or "abandoned" looking either. The Realtor didn't tell me about it because I would have been another 5 millionth person not to buy the place. My husband (fiancé at the time) was out of town and I was in that place alone for the first time. I spent one night in that house, called my husband back, had a priest over.. and we ****** moved after that. Try getting the place blessed, we were unfortunate but maybe your neighbor was really just trying to scare you.. Good luck OP
Have it blessed? Really? Superstition is an excuse made by people who don't understand how the world works.
Or the Winchesters.
Are all of you guys serious right now??? If you have half an education you can easily figure out that ghosts don't exist and cannot exist. My god, this is worse than religion.
Supernatural ftw.
why are you scared.. it's obviously not "haunted" and if it was I'm pretty sure a reflection of light that looks like a dead guy can't harm you. but that doesn't exist. someebody watches way too many shitty horror films
maybe you'll be in a movie
@67 it seems ridiculous to need to inform every possible buyer than 30 years ago someone died in the house. perhaps if it was recent i could understand, i mean if someone was murdered in my house id be worried that it may happen again. who knows the motives of some of the whackjobs out there... but im sure after 30 years youre probably quite safe...unless the ************ just got out of prison >.
heck, if I got great relish, I wouldn't mind owning a haunted house!
lol just get the house blessed 0:)
something strange, in your neighborhood, who you gonna call?
ghost busters?
The Kool-Aid man! OH YEAH!
sick it up it's fake...
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayHaven't you seen paranormal activity!?
And you would know how? In that case, footage people capture, personal experiences of thousands/millions of people etc are all fake? I understand that this is what you believe, but there is a lot suggesting that ghosts are real.
I understand, but from stories I've heard, they exist. But hey, everyone has their own opinion. :)
I understand, but from stories I've heard, they exist. But hey, everyone has their own opinion. :)
the ghosts are gonna go attack all the non-believers.
Ghosts are most likely not real, and the millions of people saying they saw them have probably just had their minds tricked. Let's do an example. A lady has been in grief in the recent passing of her mom, so her mom is on her thoughts a lot, so if the brain is idle and just thinking, it might pick up movement easier and distort shapes, and it may be a half of second thought she just saw her mom. Let's take another example (one directly off of me) when I was 10 or so I thought I was haunted by a ghost, I'd stay up until 10 under my sheets hoping he wouldn't get me. Eventually I thought I saw him, but what it was when I woke up in the morning, was my sister had tied a sheet to the cat and my brain was so focused on that ghost I merely imagined it having a face and limbs. Not to say I wasn't scared when I saw paranormal activity xD
18: Yeah, because a 1,000,000 people CAN'T be wrong. Just look at those six zeroes! How convincing!
Tell me some places, I'm sure I could come up a explanation for all or most of the paranormal things you might encounter there. Just because you can't explain something doesn't make it a ghost.
.......I'm pretty sure dreams and ghosts have no correlation. I dreamt I had sex with Katy perry. so did my friend John. I guess that means we both had sex with Katy perry.
to 87, the guy above me showed what I probably would have suggested, anyways did you guys have 100% EXACTLY the same dream, or did you both have a conversation with him in the same room but maybe with different words? hey coincidences are more common than you think, out of six billion people everything's got to happen to someone, and with (possibly) unlimited universes, it had to happen. Let show an example by if you do the math (which I got this off a different person so correct me if I'm wrong) you have a 1/23 chance of having the same birthday as a person.
You mean the movie that was totally planned in advance, and utterly fabricates pretty much every aspect of the story it was "based" on? Ghosts. Are. Not. Real.
Oh btw I got my first 69th comment woopie!
what the **** does a movie have to do with real life? deluded people these days...
her insurance company.
oh no!
sidenote believing in ghosts is a *belief* not an opinion.
they are real but the movie paranormal activity is fake it says so but agian they are real we had to get ours blessed. I never want to deal with one agian even if it helps out around the house. I will never forget.
GHOSTS R REAL!! 5 years ago my grandpa died since he died I had to live in his house with my parents ( I'm only 11) and I was all alone (this was a year ago) in my room watching tv I felt a cool breeze it was summer break the air condition is down stairs in the living room and my door was closed and so were the windows then I felt a hand touch my face and a mans voice whisper in my ear "I love you my sweet Granddaughter don't forget that…" and I saw him appear in front of me I was like "AHHHHHHH!!!!!!! GET AWAY FROM ME!!!! WAIT Papa!?!?!? IS THAT YOU?!?!?! I missed you so!" he said "I miss you too I must go your dad is coming…" and then he vanished into thin air... creepy huh? So ghosts r real
i have that gift… O.O
wtf lol
how bout you all just leave it at what we each think? I think they are real, you may or may not too, but hey, thats what I think.
and @ Alan, I'm not talking about movies like paranormal activities and stuff like that, but stuff like home videos or photos which are developed with things in the background etc... who knows though...
157- Do you have mania?
-167 Maybe it never existed...
-170 Lol I'm just surprised ur comment is thumb downed!
-183 They put a "for entertainment purposes only" in front of those shows.
maybe there aren't ghosts but there are spirits....they might not be a full human being in ghost form that 'haunts' you, but I do believe there is a spirit world... and just from a personal opinion.... yeah I'd be kinda freaked out about having my house being haunted, but I think I'd be a bit more freaked out knowing that a man was my kitchen....
shouldn't a haunted house be cheap?
Yer, and the real estate is meant to tell the buyer if a house is haunted.
If the real estate agent were to tell the buyer that the house was haunted, then it'd never sell.
Yep. In Australia it's now illegal to not disclose a violent past of a house. It came about after one was sold where a mass murder of the family had occurred, and the buyers only found out later.
in the US you only have to disclose that to the next buyer. that buyer is then free to sell the property to others without having to disclose a thing.
I probably agree with the law stating that each buyer had to know... it'd be a bit freaky to find out something bad previously happened in the place you call home.
you should either call ghost busters ir get your house excersiced (misspelled)
who you gonna call?~
Scooby Doo
the mental hospital

lol just get the house blessed 0:)
If food began to dance in the air then I would be scared.