By poop towel - 15/09/2011 19:43 - United States

Today, my new roommate moved in. It seems that instead of using toilet paper like a normal human being, she instead opts to use the nearest towel in reach. I found this out when I went to dry off with mine after a shower. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 632
You deserved it 2 237

Same thing different taste

Top comments

enonymous 8

It adds volume and body and gives your hair definite character

SlimShady167 3

Haha what the ****? That's gross:/ Sorry OP, FYL


hahaha! that is soo bad, take revenge, she shat on you, shit on her..

asterik99 3
PinkFun1969 9

Wow sick, that's going to be great sharing a kitchen with roommate.

thejedi08 10
4ugu4 7

Omg I've never heard of something so ******* disgusting!!!!! Ask her to leave ASAP