By poop towel - 15/09/2011 19:43 - United States

Today, my new roommate moved in. It seems that instead of using toilet paper like a normal human being, she instead opts to use the nearest towel in reach. I found this out when I went to dry off with mine after a shower. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 632
You deserved it 2 237

Same thing different taste

Top comments

enonymous 8

It adds volume and body and gives your hair definite character

SlimShady167 3

Haha what the ****? That's gross:/ Sorry OP, FYL


Hahaha that is nasty and funny in the same time :D fyl

denvan 0

After reading this I threw up a little, that's just disgusting

jerico616 14

Use her pillow the next time you wipe. That should get the point across to her.

He probably uses toilet paper do dry off after shower. In his experience its much cleaner than the towels.

I'm sorry, but that shouldn't be necessary. When you go to another country there are a few things you need to always be aware of (e.g. offensive hand gestures and local tipping customs). The proper way to deal with bodily functions is the top of the list. This is one of the worst and most undeserved fml's I've read.

If your roommate is from a non-Western country, you may need to explain that you use toilet paper and *that it can be flushed* - roomie might have thought the towel was necessary if there's TP but no bin in the bathroom.

Ugh, that is... digusting... too disgusting.

SteelCladAngel 0

Piss in her cheerios Seriously... And when she flips shit say 'sorry, the bowl was convenient...' Or something, if someone did that to me I'd use their bed for a toilet

Dr_Pepper_fml 3

OMG. My older brother does the same thing. ******* DISGUSTING!!!!! ....and growing up, my grandparents (who raised him) let him do it! It's SO wrong! ...I'd pick on him for it and they'd bitch ME out! lol. Anyway, I feel your pain. Take a shit in front of her bedroom door. Or put the towel somewhere in her personal space with a big note that says "THIS IS NOT OKAY." Or just bring it up with her--"Can you please tell me why YOUR shit is all over my towel?"