By Roommate - 28/09/2016 16:03 - United States - Olympia

Today, my new roommate sent me a picture of our toothbrushes bristles touching with the caption "Look! I made them kiss!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 098
You deserved it 937

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is your roommate male or lesbian? He/she might be trying to drop a hint.


Beware tomorrow he will come up with an idea of putting his undies and your lingerie together and will say we had sex :)


TO DO LIST: 1. get a new tooth brush. 2. get a new roommate.

bad enough your roommate is a weirdo... now u gotta deal with your toothbrushes dating

Lock anything you don't want stupid roommates to touch in your room. I learnt the hard way...

It'll be any second now till there trying on your knickers while you're gone.

And taking pictures of themselves doing it!

Run away. Run far away and never return.

twas a forbidden love doomed from the start

Goblin182 26

Send a message back saying "isn't that the toothbrush I use to scrub the toilet?" That ought to stop them.