By Anonymous - 10/09/2010 04:09 - United States

Today, my nose was really stuffy. I heard somewhere that inhaling tea steam clears up the nose. While reading a magazine I inhaled my cup of green tea steam, without knowing that slowly I was moving my cup closer to my nose. Hot tea was sucked into my left nostril and burned the inside badly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 095
You deserved it 35 909

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't read magazines while you're ironing or using the blowtorch, either.

Bubbelz 25

4 You are aware that you just used the internet to post that reply right?


Sounds like you were a little too desperate to clear your nose up ;). I like to eat something spicy when my nose is stuffed, it generally does the trick, at least for a little while. Mints also seem to help.

True that. I find that my usual sinus-clearing choice is some sort of curry...Yum!

I find this really difficult to believe. To breathe it up your nose, you would have had to have your nose IN the tea, in which case you would have felt it on your nose before inhaling!

i did that once with some hot water with menthol in it, when my nose touched the water i jumped and inhaled sharply and the water went in my nose, it didn't burn though...

I didn't know that tea steam is found in the liquid itself

WhyTheFace4 0

Hard to believe you were able to get that close without realizing it.

WhyTheFace4 0

Unless you were drinking out of a bowl... There's no way you could've gotten that close without your face hitting the cup.

wtf_amb 0

How do you not know you're moving a cup toward your face? Moron.

But did the hot wash get rid of your stuffie nose? I prefer a little hot chinese mustard myself.

Alesana_Love 0

silly goose... You snort coke not tea ;)