By megan228 - 20/03/2009 21:16 - United States

Today, my older brother and some of his cute friends came over. When we were inside, my mom yelled to me, "I got you some bigger tampons because you leaked all over your new underwear." They all started laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 143 531
You deserved it 9 021

Same thing different taste

Top comments

linzey 0

so i would totally die from embarrassment avoid his friends from now on

Wow great mom you got there. Yelling your private business for everyone, hot or not, to hear.


most people- boys or girls- get embarrassed when anyone even mentions a menstrual cycle, and most guys associate bigger tampons with wider/looser vaginas, so it was especially embarrassing for OP. TL;DR: guys associate bigger tampons with looser vaginas, OPs mom yelled that she got her bigger tampons, also periods were mentioned around a bunch of teenage boys

a word of advice separate from the embarrassment: don't wear new panties when you're riding the crimson wave.

polishswede 0
Komatose 0

Teach her a lesson. Next time she has (male) friends over, head to the door and call over your shoulder, "Ma, I'm going to the store! You need new batteries for you're vibrator, right?!?" I hate mom's who think it's funny to embarass their kids.

Lol, ouch. I dunno about cute friends, but a while ago I was hanging with my now-ex and her extremely hot friend walks in, totally naked, asking her to help re-tie her top. She never once noticed me. I couldn't look her in the eye for weeks XD

Odile13 0

omg sounds like something my mum'd do to me. poor you