By megan228 - 20/03/2009 21:16 - United States

Today, my older brother and some of his cute friends came over. When we were inside, my mom yelled to me, "I got you some bigger tampons because you leaked all over your new underwear." They all started laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 143 531
You deserved it 9 021

Same thing different taste

Top comments

linzey 0

so i would totally die from embarrassment avoid his friends from now on

Wow great mom you got there. Yelling your private business for everyone, hot or not, to hear.


hahaha 44 you're sick ;). O well im gonna say i believe this one, By the way they will never forget this

Tdotgirl 0

First off, sorry hun for having such an embarrassing mother. I understand. You need to learn how to have witty comeback comments. As for your brothers friends; immature. Also young teenage boys tend to laugh and make fun of stuff they don't understand. #25 you're too funny. You're supposed to say where you live, unless of course you got a jet airplane to fly to where the girlies are. #26 you're a dick. Regardless of whether you're a male or female., and regardless of whether this is fake or not. Lucky you for having an awesome mom. Some of us have to deal with naive, ignorant, uncaring mothers that would do anything in their power to embarrass their daughters.

didn't bother reading all of it But I agree with 17.

#36 - that was hot... i'm kinda turned on now... no fair.

Damn that sucks I feel for you. I'm a guy but I understand that kinda stuff happen and I certainly wouldn't have laughed.

aaa919 0

HAHAHA sorry this is awful....I would kill my mother.

Yeah, descreat parenting epic fail... You have my sympathies.

lalalaloveeex 0

hey, sorry that happend :/ parents can be really embarrasing, all of us have been through it. but try wearing a panty liner with your tampon on your heavy days just incase.

tht hurt.. tht hurt BAD! total embarassment