By megan228 - 20/03/2009 21:16 - United States

Today, my older brother and some of his cute friends came over. When we were inside, my mom yelled to me, "I got you some bigger tampons because you leaked all over your new underwear." They all started laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 143 531
You deserved it 9 021

Same thing different taste

Top comments

linzey 0

so i would totally die from embarrassment avoid his friends from now on

Wow great mom you got there. Yelling your private business for everyone, hot or not, to hear.


Im a guy, and if I heard this one I would definitely laugh my ass off. I'd be laughing at the situation, though, and not anyone in particular.

dumbkid 0

Eh, it's nature. Could be worse, right?

pencilmustache 0

Your life is soooooooooooooooooooooooo ******. sorry.

shauna_fml 0

Awwww :( mothers are just horrible people sometimes. Also, for all the clueless guys posting on here, big tampons aren't for "big" or loose cooches, they're for heavy flows. Boys have no idea.

Ughhh.... that sucks. My mom does shit like that to me all of the time...

awwwww! moms are sooooo dumb sometimes. hahaha oh wow

awww that sucks :( i hate when moms do that. they should be more careful what theyre yelling out. and guys should be more mature about that. its not funny.