By Crippled - 27/12/2009 05:35 - United States

Today, my parents bought me an alarm clock that runs away from you while beeping obnoxiously when you hit snooze. I just had ankle surgery and am unable to walk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 661
You deserved it 2 893

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dont_Explain 3

Better yet, put it up on a high ledge. "Run ******, run."


Wait, what? Where the hell did they buy that?

Am I the only one that doesnt hit snooze?

All you need to do is torque stall the motor and it can never run away again

gatorgirl7563 22

Don't use it. Keep it in a box so it can run away. Flip it upside-down. Tie a leash on it. Tape it in place. IT'S NOT COMPLICATED!!!

Who would create such a torturous device!? I suffer from a sleeping disorder, so with my 3 hours of sleep every night, I personally know how crazy it is to have to wake up and start running. Bumped my toe to an inch of its life many a times before. I'm sorry, OP. perhaps you should lay that Satan spawn clock to rest and just use your phone or another device