By Crippled - 27/12/2009 05:35 - United States

Today, my parents bought me an alarm clock that runs away from you while beeping obnoxiously when you hit snooze. I just had ankle surgery and am unable to walk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 661
You deserved it 2 893

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dont_Explain 3

Better yet, put it up on a high ledge. "Run ******, run."


CourtneyDanielle_fml 9

Clocky.. lmfao. I have one, I don't use it though xD

HAhah I have 3 Clockys. Great Christmas presents for college students. OP - keep it on a string tied to your bed. That way you just reel it in. :]

xllamax 0

This is just one reason they invented earplugs...and FML

captainmaharet 1

You can set a Clocky to not run around after the one-minute beeping/snooze button-hitting. Next!

put the clock in there bed than tie them to there bed. have a nice day

um if u ant walk why would u need to put it alarm clock on.... it's not like u would have to be awake in time to go anywhere anyway YDI bitch lol

sparxva 12

bfd-return it to the store and buy a clue.

you guys are ******* idiots they are laying in there bed because they cant walk and they hit snooze so it started running around and making noise but she cant get up when it did stop it probably moved to a spot where she cant reach it and so every morning its will make the alarm clock noise and she cant turn it off idiots.

Honestly, I cannot stop laughing. I have never heard of an alarm clock that runs around while beeping obnoxiously. All I have is this mental image of a woman in bed, her foot in a cast, and the alarm clock is running around the room going BEEP BEEP BEEP while she just looks annoyed as hell.

deoxylophone 0