By Crippled - 27/12/2009 05:35 - United States

Today, my parents bought me an alarm clock that runs away from you while beeping obnoxiously when you hit snooze. I just had ankle surgery and am unable to walk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 661
You deserved it 2 893

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dont_Explain 3

Better yet, put it up on a high ledge. "Run ******, run."


You know 'Clocky' has a stationary setting. So there, problem solved. Figure out how to use it before you complain.

Soulcatcherteej 6

I can relate. I have a class 3 ankle sprain, and that same kind if clock. Clocky? Right?

let me think............SMASH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

askater101 2

How the **** does it run away from you?

ArielTheMermaid 17

My hopes were crushed when I discovered it doesn't actually have legs just wheels :( I enjoyed the thought of a small clock running away from the nightstand so much.....

My alarm clock allows me to not turn on the alarm part.

Alexis1129 0

Omfg you have a clocky!!! I've always wanted one. Sorry tho. Fyl op

ellaterra 1

That's is the coolest thing ever :O why haven't I've heard of this? I kinda wish my parents were this much of a ass now

I've got one of those. Wheels on the sides, and it not only runs away, it does donuts and backflips to taunt. Also, in addition to beeping, it laughs at me.