By Kelly - 27/12/2009 04:44 - United States
Same thing different taste
By rhunter17 - 06/04/2015 19:38
By wakinginvegas87 - 05/09/2010 15:49 - United States
By jaxattax - 20/10/2009 20:17 - United States
Call the cops!
By epipen life - 10/03/2019 16:00 - United States
Criminal Minds
By Anonymous - 18/09/2019 00:01 - United States
By Anonymous - 09/05/2011 04:37 - United States
Not a sponsored post
By nutfreak - 12/08/2013 15:24 - United States - Lutherville Timonium
By foreveralone - 13/01/2014 01:00 - United States - Franklin Park
By djshahso - 26/02/2010 00:14 - United States
By HeSucks - 25/12/2009 07:04 - United States
Top comments
well in all fairness that is something you should know about your boyfriend....
it was a box of chocolates, we can't always know if it has nuts or not.... FYL'll get better give it some time
well if you read the box ya you do know, if someone has an allergy you obviously read the ingrediants.
hmmm yes....that's true but it was a box, she didn't chose the chocolates that were in...
so she can write but she can't read......hmmmmmmm okay!
hmmm you are right in a way...not evrybody reads =P i agree with you, she could've ben carefull.... she maybe just forgot these things...happens to evryone... not evryone complexes on evrything, but yeah maybe it would've ben more carefull to offer him chosen chocolate and not any box...
life is like a box of of chocolates.
Billy Mays here! Parent judging you? Get the CHAINSAW! OHSHI-
Lol, if he's allergic to nuts wouldn't he read the package on most products? Maybe not assume everyone is perfect? He actually sounds pretty dense to me.
never said he ate the chocolates......he probably read it before he opened the box
It's cool 8, I got that message too (even though he's right, it doesn't say that he ate them)... I'm allergic to nuts, and a box of chocolates is a KNOWN probable box of death to me. Unless she like mailed the box to him, he is pretty dense for not telling her and declining the box the second she gave it to him. I agree with 8.
If you knew he was allergic to nuts it would have been wise to read the ingredients, but everyone makes mistakes (:
Not your fault. its ok hun. im sure he understands. have a happy and long relationship
No, it is probably your fault. Unless you two have been dating for less than a month OR your boyfriend never told you, you should know this. You didn't read the package, and you could have killed your boyfriend.
You probably should have checked that out first. Nut allergies are getting more and more common in today's world -- and food products are required to list if they have even the smalled possibilty of nuts in them. Same with dairy products. It's your fault for not reading the box before buying these chocolates for him.
That sucks, and I wouldn't say you DESERVED it, but it IS your fault. Most girlfriends know when their boyfriends have deathly allergies. Most people know that many chocolates have nuts in them. In fact, even if the chocolate doesn't have nuts in it, most chocolate has usually been processed on the same machinery as nuts, or "may contain traces of nuts". If you have a bf with such a deathly allergy, surely you would check the warnings on the box to see what it might contain.
surely you'd be a little less obvious if you where trying to kill him?
lol epic fail
what if she didn't know he was allergic? it happens sometimes. and tell the mom to chill out, I'm sure if she wanted him dead, she wouldve done it differently. at least he's smart and didn't do what some morons do; eat it when they know they're allergic. but that sucks. make this a warning to check from now on.
I'm sorry. How could she NOT know that he is allergic to nuts. She is the girlfriend. Something like an allergy would be really important to know. I do agree that it could be a mistake but it was a big one because it could've possibly killed him. To the OP- READ THE BOX NEXT TIME!

well in all fairness that is something you should know about your boyfriend....
Billy Mays here! Parent judging you? Get the CHAINSAW! OHSHI-