By Unfortunate - 27/12/2009 05:41 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend had a Christmas party for all of our friends. He asked me not to get "too drunk". I think throwing up on the floor while simultaneously peeing your pants fit his definition. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 832
You deserved it 45 448

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI. I think this more of a FHL, for having to be your boyfriend, and suffering through humilation while his girlfriend puked everywhere and pissed herself.

Don't drink if you can't handle it around other people. It's a pretty easy solution.


Mx_Rider 6
remy_xi 0

Oh, yes. Calling someone else a lightweight so COMPLETELY makes you sound tough and bad-ass. You have no way of knowing how much she drank, jackass. For all you know she could have had an entire fifth of vodka and twelve ******* beers. Also, men who drink too much not only get ED, but on the rare occasion they CAN get it up, their semen taste horrible because of all the alcohol in their system. The only good thing about it is that your liver is likely to have shriveled up and quit working by the time you're old enough to have figured out the rules of grammar - a date that I would suppose is a good decade and a half away.

Whether she was a lightweight or not, she's still an idiot for drinking past her limit. By the time you're close to your limit, you should know and stop, especially if someone else (like your boyfriend) warns you. In other words, the OP totally deserved it. AND who gives a damn about men who drink and get ED? That has nothing to do with this FML, and neither does you and your experience sucking drunk people's penises and drinking their semen (I assume you know how it tastes due to experience.). It's okay that you have a lot of experience giving BJs. We don't need or want to know about the taste of alcoholic semen.

so what part of this is an FML? the part where you realize you have no self control and are fast going toward a life of alcoholism?

jpd212 1

to #47: um........sensitive much? what are you, the OP's defense attorney? chill the **** out, it was a comment, change your tampon size cuz clearly it's bothering you

hey #47: defensive much? sounds like you've been there before. a few times.

aerosmith3312 2

Wow....... way to flip the **** out for no reason. And in all seriousness, was the semen part really necessary?

aerosmith3312 2

Well if you got drunk, that's kinda your fault. Unless someone physically held you down and poured alcohol down your throat, YDI.

Dont_Explain 3

You'd be surprised how often that happens in Canada.

#4- Yet another reason no one likes Canada >_>

can't say anything else but you deserve it, dumbass!

Don't drink if you can't handle it around other people. It's a pretty easy solution.

YDI. I think this more of a FHL, for having to be your boyfriend, and suffering through humilation while his girlfriend puked everywhere and pissed herself.

rockyroad1234 0

Umm... if someone tells you not to do something, and then you go ahead and do it anyway.... then you deserve it. It's that simple.

classy. just in case you were wondering, you are the one everyone makes fun of when they are drunk. you are also the person everyone compares to when they do something stupid; "well I might have done --- but at least I wasn't like HER!" YDI for having no self-control and being trashy.

You have nobody else to blame but yourself for this one. Nobody forced you to drink until you were drunk.