By so bored -__- - 25/02/2012 04:18 - United States

Today, my parents dragged me along to a family soccer game. I got so bored watching a bunch of grown men practically buttfucking each other between kicking balls around the field, that I fell asleep. I woke up a few hours later to an empty field and had to walk five miles back home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 612
You deserved it 31 203

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Grown men buttfucking each other. Sounds intresting.

TheEpicMilkMan 13

dude that's not soccer (or football) your describing thats gay **** :o


Wait, who would just leave their kid sleeping by herself and travel 5 miles away without her?

ineslovescats 5

I think it's that lame parent thing about "trying to teach a lesson"

Sounds like American Football to me. The ball touching and buttfuckig. And maybe Rugby. But never ever Soccer.

LivingProdigy 0

Kids now a days... Whats happened to this world..

You're 19. You need to wait at least 30 more before you start with those fake memories of paradise on earth.

bubo_fml 10

I'm assuming this 'Family Soccer Game' included your; father, uncles, brothers, etc nearly having a ****-a-roo in a public park? If so, I'm amazed at your nonchalant attitude..."Oh well, ho hum, Johnny's gettin' his hemorroids hurdled by big Daddy, no big deal, might as well grab some shut eye!"

People have opinions. Not everyone in your self-centered universe likes the same ******* thing you do. Bitch..

bizarre_ftw 21

Fain an interest in the opera and (while they're bored out of their minds) say you have to use the bathroom, grab the keys while they aren't looking, and drive off. Pay a homeless guy to wait around and tell them it's pay back, just for that cherry on top satisfaction.

bizarre_ftw 21

2 days without sleep and a momentary lapse of sense combined to cause me to rely on my autocorrect. Stupid move. Thanks :)

What sort of football match were you watching?

mrsmillsy 10

Poor you, I hated being dragged to my brother's soccer matches. I mean, it's an okay sport but not when you're forced to watch.