By Anonymous - 15/10/2013 20:52 - United Kingdom - Stretham

Today, my parents dropped by my new house, and my mother offered to tidy up for me while I was out. After they left, I noticed that her "tidying up" included throwing out all the pictures of my girlfriend and replacing them with pictures of herself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 608
You deserved it 4 844

Same thing different taste

Top comments

miyaviichan 27

Sit her down and talk with her, OP. I don't get why moms do this. Same thing happened with my ex's mom, basically.


GetSomeM0 24

Moms a bit much, but why is your mommy still cleaning up after you anyways?

scottishoatmeal 22

Mamma doesn't want her boy to have another woman in his life