By Imgonnahaveabf - 05/01/2012 12:06 - United States

Today, my parents got a new dog. It attacks me every time I laugh. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 400
You deserved it 3 608

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FortuneCookie3 1

Guess it's the dog who gets the last laugh...


Maybe OP sounds like a dying animal, when they laugh... then the dog would be just following its natural instincts.

blink978 1

U made a part of my night :D

jmm23 0
Fsqu4red 5

If I was in your house when I read this... I would have been attacked

alliebaba7 8

Maybe your parents got annoyed by your laughing so they got the dog

madskittlesftw 5

Maybe the dog has an abusive owner before OP and they laughed every time they did something to the dog. You just never know..