By weddingbells - 25/01/2010 01:02 - United States

Today, my parents had a huge fight because my mom found out my dad was cheating on her. They screamed for half an hour. Right in the middle of my wedding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 995
You deserved it 2 517

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think she had every right to be selfish and upset that they suddenly ****** up her wedding with news about her father cheating on her mother. There's a place and a time for everything.

Kylias 6

@5 Because everybody pictures their wedding as follows: "And do you, Mr. Everyman take Mrs. Lady as your lawfully wedded--" "YOU STUPID CHEATING *****, GET OUT OF MY FACE!" "I NEVER REALLY LOVED YOU!"


me1221 0

man. that sucks. slap them both. fyl

Omg, FYL. I bet that day was ruined. Every anniversary is going to suck. That's the only thing you're going to be able to remember from that game.

oooooh that's harsh sux to b u. don't worry just get divorced, remarry and don't invite them. problem solved

You're joking, right? I shouldn't have to ask.

yea man sorry that has to suck my inlaw are divorced and her dad is gay now fyl

watchmen Rorschach comes to mines when i read this story i dunno why? Well i bet you'll be happy with the fact that your daddy new mistress was the grooms mother all-along and your mother is now dating a guy 10 years younger that she met at the wedding who could also possibily relate to the the groom. see now you have a closer family. cheer up the honeymoon will make it all better :D

perdix 29

Now you have a glimpse of how your marriage is going to turn out. Be very generous with the sex and maybe you will avoid the same fate.

sarcdude 3

what sick individuals would bury this comment? >_>

Newbie21 1

wow how inconsiderate of them FYL

yakturk43 0

it's half an hour or an hour and a half. please correct grammer cause it makes the story completely different. I mean half hour isn't that bad but an hour and a half is

What does it matter how long they were arguing? If they were arguing at her wedding it will still be sucky for her!

Batman4890 0

#39 I don't know where your from but over here half an hour is not wrong

The post says half an hour now, don't know what it said when you read it. And grammar is spelled with two a's and no e's. If you're going to act as the grammar police, you should at least be able to spell grammar.

"It's half an hour"... You do realize during your post you wrote half hour yourself. Grammar* nazi at it's worst. FYL!

Hm. You are from Virginia - why does that not surprise me?