By weddingbells - 25/01/2010 01:02 - United States

Today, my parents had a huge fight because my mom found out my dad was cheating on her. They screamed for half an hour. Right in the middle of my wedding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 003
You deserved it 2 519

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think she had every right to be selfish and upset that they suddenly ****** up her wedding with news about her father cheating on her mother. There's a place and a time for everything.

Kylias 6

@5 Because everybody pictures their wedding as follows: "And do you, Mr. Everyman take Mrs. Lady as your lawfully wedded--" "YOU STUPID CHEATING *****, GET OUT OF MY FACE!" "I NEVER REALLY LOVED YOU!"


that totally suckss.! your dads a dick for cheating on your mom

That's pretty disrespectful of them I must say, so sorry hun.

SupermanAddict 0

Hopefully after you get past the initial shock of this very ill timed argument that your parents had you feel better. However, your parents forced you and probably your spouce to feel highly uncomfortable on your special day. I also hope your parents learn something about why their marriage failed. ie. what they choose to do at a wedding. Congrats on your new future though.

it should have been your day, and they screwed it up. sorry for that. 

I don't know how anyone could say YDI for this one...that's terrible. FYL indeed.

girlzrule94587 0

the same thing happened at my cousin's wedding, but her mom was cheating on her dad. they made up and resloved the problem, but my cousin was so embaressed, she made her husband leave early wit her.

too bad it wasn't a shotgun wedding you might have been able to use it.

My parents divorced when i was 7 so i never thought about weddings or such. :L but anyways, FYL girl