By weddingbells - 25/01/2010 01:02 - United States

Today, my parents had a huge fight because my mom found out my dad was cheating on her. They screamed for half an hour. Right in the middle of my wedding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 995
You deserved it 2 517

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think she had every right to be selfish and upset that they suddenly ****** up her wedding with news about her father cheating on her mother. There's a place and a time for everything.

Kylias 6

@5 Because everybody pictures their wedding as follows: "And do you, Mr. Everyman take Mrs. Lady as your lawfully wedded--" "YOU STUPID CHEATING *****, GET OUT OF MY FACE!" "I NEVER REALLY LOVED YOU!"


sharkwkrox 0
lisha88 1

that's so embarrassing I wish they yelled about that after the wedding smh

honey, you are absolutely NOT selfish! it was YOUR big day, and they need to learn to be good enough parents to quietly deal without the problem on their own time, as not to concern you, or ruin YOUR day. they should be celebrating your enter into a happy life; this is a day to celebrate love and passion and loyal-ness. as for never talking to your dad, or even both of them again, i have to completely disagree. you shouldn't let their juvenile decisions affect the cherished memories that you may hold. you have every right to be EXTREMELY angry with both of them, and i say that you should even get to give em both a good bitch-slap. so unfair for you hon. i think i speak for all the commentors when i say hope you feel better, and your family pulls through. you SO did not deserve that! (unless you like helped your dad cheat or something.) your poor mom. and you.

rttr 18

How does she deserve this?!?!?!?

Hmm. If it had been my parents, I would've had both of them kicked right out the minute they started.

Dude that sucks u think they could wait until after. Or wait for one to walk into the road and run them over.

Wow, I'm so sorry. What a terrible thing. I can sort of sympathize- my dad-is-cheating explosion was set off the day I returned from my honeymoon. It's a sucky thing anytime, but the last thing you want to deal with when you're first married. I hope your family finds peace.