By Anonymous - 03/12/2011 18:19 - United States

Today, my parents insisted that despite the fact I've just turned sixteen, I have to save them money by ordering from the children's menu, because I "still look like a twelve year-old." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 732
You deserved it 4 112

Same thing different taste


lexxxijade 0

My dad use to tell my dates to "have her order from the child's menu because she never finishes anything she orders". Very embarrassing. I feel your pain OP.

3, just hope you don't end up having to burn the toys when you leave.

consider investing in some good makeup haha

bizarre_ftw 21

OP: Yeah, uh, can I get the children's spaghetti? Yes of course I'm under twelve! *glares at parents* Mum: *quietly to the waiter* and can we get a cake with 16 candles? It's her birthday :)

Haha I did this till I was prolly fifteen I'm seventeen now an still look 12 lol ):

I'm 23 and still order off the kid menu. I'm a vegetarian so it's hard to find things I can eat on a regular menu. I also couldn't eat all of the food on a regular menu anyway and like to save money.

Aptalp4ever 0

My parents used to do that to me too.

I'm the opposite I'm 11 and I'm the size of a 15 year old lol

ohsheet 8

I love ordering off the kids menu and i'm 16!