By girl_what - 02/09/2018 23:30

Today, my parents informed me that my dad is leaving my mom and moving to Florida from New York tomorrow. I just spent $300 on a new crossbow for his birthday, which is tomorrow, in hopes that he would spend more time with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 238
You deserved it 226

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Although it's a really crappy situation, I'm sure he'll still appreciate your present, and maybe you'll be able to spend more one-on-one time while visiting him in Florida!

look on the bright side now you have a new crossbow


Although it's a really crappy situation, I'm sure he'll still appreciate your present, and maybe you'll be able to spend more one-on-one time while visiting him in Florida!

look on the bright side now you have a new crossbow

Maybe he can have an “accident” with the crossbow and avoid alimony.

Return it and get Dad a card. You are going to need the money more than Dad needs a crossbow. Or keep it for yourself....

Now shoot him in the leg so he wouldn't move out of your place.

tounces7 27

I'm kinda curious what age you are. However, if he's willing to ditch you and move to another state at the drop of a hat, I don't think any amount of crossbows will buy his affection. It sounds like he's just not that involved of a father.

julfunky 29

That’s what I was thinking. You shouldn’t have to buy anything to begin with; an expensive gift isn’t going to change things unfortunately.

looks like he already got himself a birthday gift

So you have to hunt retirees instead of tourists. I'm sure you can manage.

bass_ftp 12

At least you have a new use for that crossbow.

bobsanction 18

He can't live for Florida if he's been shot with a crossbow.