By parentalfail - 25/12/2009 18:19 - United States

Today, my parents told me they're getting a divorce. However, they asked me not to tell any of the family so that the news doesn't spoil Christmas. Thanks, Mom and Dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 276
You deserved it 2 271

Same thing different taste


aw that sucks, I'm sorry ): I hope u could find something good in ur Christmas anyways

NitemareB4Xmasx3 0

Wow if that's what ur parents call a Christmas present, then they are sadly mistaken. Sorry bout that...

death stand. very true. I know it can b completely a hormone/chemical imbalance. I was diagnosed after my parents divorced, 10 years ago. three years ago I went on medication, and two years ago I saw another psychiatrist. he's explained a lot of my repeditive feelings, actions

the same thing happened to me but it was thanksgiving and instead of divorce i found out that my mom had been cheating on my dad with his best friend for the past four years. His best friend and my mom have been going out for 2 years now (not including when she was with my dad). He's a total asshole to both me and her.

sry 2 hear dat man, GL & Merry X'mas

djsmiles 0

ouch fyl mann. ima really sorry

PatRme 9

YDI FOR CELEBRATING CHRISTMAS!! jk, I found a comment that said that once...bastards... oh and fyl big

iverlydel 0

this is for those who voted, how do they totally deserve it?

You had to know eventually, but they should've kept it to themselves. At least 'til after New Years.