By soliveyerlife - 21/03/2009 09:35 - United States

Today, my parents yelled at me for coming home at 1am this morning from a friend's birthday party. I'm 30 years old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 050
You deserved it 128 110

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why are you still living with your parents? You live under their roof, you follow their rules.

HomeBurger 0

Living with your parents at 30? yeah definitely FYL.


asdftammy 0

well, 1) your 30. 2) your 30 and living with your parents 3) your 30 and living with your parents...STILL.

LifeSux19 0

Haha. That reminds me of the entertainer from I love money. My brother is 24 and still gets yelled at for coming home late.

Klutz23 0

Honestly, can't blame your parents. If they still let you live with them and you're 30, the least you can do is respect them and not come home at 1 in the morning when theyre probably sound asleep.

maybe it's time you consider moving out :)

gee, my mommy and daddy don't yell at me when I come home really late. Then again, that's only because I moved out when I was 17 you basement dwelling freak. Honestly, I understand people who stay home till 21. It's hard to get out into the world especially right now, but get off your ass and ******* try. I bet I've lived more in the past three years than you have all your thirty.

i'm 22 and I have my own place you can do better unless your in some sort of circumstance

bored724 0

You live with your parents at 30? wow, get married, get a job, but for the love of God MOVE OUT

It could be the other way around you know. I know several people whose parents are retired and have moved into their childrens homes as they can no longer afford to live alone with their fixed incomes. Jumping to conclusions is fun. *leaps*

Today, my 30 year old kid still lives at home. FML.

hahahhaha sounds like that film step brothers with will ferral lol