By geedeewhy - 01/01/2019 04:00

Today, my period was officially 2 weeks late. I have a phobia about giving birth, so I had a panic attack, went to Walmart, spend $15 on four pregnancy tests and a drink, came home, and took the tests. All four came back negative. As I went to clean up and throw everything away, I got my period. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 611
You deserved it 780

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TxKitten79 10
colderthanyou 15

Birth control can fail too. I understand her fear!


whiskey'swino 15

Not really an FML. If you're not on birth control this is very common. If you are then see a doctor.

colderthanyou 15

Birth control can fail too. I understand her fear!

See a doctor for what? Getting a period unregularly is quite normal and it doesn't change with non-hormonal birth control.

No it is not common. 🤦🏼‍♀️

When I was on the pill, I skipped a full 2 months even on sugar pills and we spent quite a bit on pregnancy tests that kept coming back negative or appearing borderline (depending on what style used). Boyfriend at the time was NOT thrilled, we tripled up most of the time but I was regular until that point, so we thought we'd had some insane luck of hitting the .01% of people. It just turned out that I was at the beginning of my epic fight against insane ovarian cysts... Going off the pill actually made it far less common for me to skip periods and I took fewer pregnancy tests while not taking birth control than when I was on it. I always find it funny when people think BC pills solve these desperation issues and fears. BC pills ultimately screwed things up for me to the point where I can no longer have children at all. I guess in a way it worked super duper well but... More often than not, they are a cause for irregular bleeding and problems for women who had no menstrual issues prior to use.

TxKitten79 10
Imadumbass 16
fde2blknimout 18

Clean up? Did you pee on the floor?

I knew some girls that were late due to stress, but not an issue unless you were having unprotected sex.

Someone might buy that BS but one test if more than $15.

MishMashMosh 20

Casual sex is being normalize these days ~.~ Yea 21st century stuffs

medyas 11

You have a "phobia around giving birth." I have a "phobia about supporting an unexpected dependent for eighteen years." Comme ci, comme ca.

15 dollars is nothing compared to what you'd spend on a baby. it's not even that much to put your mind at ease. I know it might seem like a waste of money. but it was probably better that you know now