By gl0b3suck0r - 08/05/2012 16:41 - Ireland - Dublin

Today, my pet mouse demonstrated that he has bigger balls than my boyfriend, by running across the dinner table and eating off his plate, all while he jumped out of his chair, screaming like a girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 412
You deserved it 4 640

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I wouldn't particularly like a mouse running over to my food and eating it either

RachelBerry_fml 5

Well the mouse shouldn't be on the table..


I would call him a pussy but those aren't afraid of mice

Your mouse has bigger balls than mine as well then coz I might have done the same exact thing maybe cried like a baby afterwards.

You're luck he could have stabbed it with a fork.

FluffyBear 2

Why the hell would you have a pet mouse in the first place?

Did he jump on top of the chair and lift his skirts whilst shrieking like a lass, exposing his high heels?

Just be glad he didn't was man enough to kill it instead o.o

So he reacted the way many people would to a mouse and that makes him bad?

frshprince305 0

I would've asked him if he needed a tampon after that

Why is your dirty rodent on the dinner table?