By gl0b3suck0r - 08/05/2012 16:41 - Ireland - Dublin

Today, my pet mouse demonstrated that he has bigger balls than my boyfriend, by running across the dinner table and eating off his plate, all while he jumped out of his chair, screaming like a girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 412
You deserved it 4 640

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I wouldn't particularly like a mouse running over to my food and eating it either

RachelBerry_fml 5

Well the mouse shouldn't be on the table..


when i just read the first sentence i took it literally....

nicospec 1

So did you punish the mouse by eating it?

Why do you have a mouse on your dinner table?!? That's a little bit dirty...

The mental images my brain produced before I finished this FML will never leave me. Ever.

dont tell him this will be a huge ego breaker

skyeyez9 24

A domestic mouse is not dirty. Wild ones carry disease not the pet store ones. Yes it may poop on the table, but it is the size of a rice grain if that. As long as you promptly clean it and not pop them in your mouth and pretend it is a chocolate tic tac, you will be fine.

Having a mouse on the table is really nasty. Anyone who loves their mouse that much should eat alone.

XxDancerGirlxX 17

My friend's ferret has free reign all over the house. That little bastard pops up everywhere and always manages to scare the shit out of me.

well if he could scream like a girl, doesn't that mean that anyone could scream like a girl?