By badgrandchild - 16/03/2009 21:01 - United States

Today, my phone rang while I was home alone. When I picked up, all I could hear was heavy breathing. Convinced it was one of my friends playing a joke, I said loudly, "Get off the phone, you fucker, and don't call back!" It turned out it was my grandma. She had been having a stroke. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 617
You deserved it 92 133

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ummmyeahhh 0

ok, bad move. but if all you heard was heavy breathing, you'd think it was some creeper or a prank. so, yeah, i understand. hope your grandma is okay.


NatsaPanda 0

I don't have callery ID. Why bother? I'm going to find out who it is when I answer. Why pay more for it? Lamesauce McGyver. I hope Granny is okay.

girlieD86 0

I hope your grandmother is doing ok. Please say 'Hello' the next time you answer the phone and get caller ID

:O hopefully that wasnt the last thing she heard. D: is she alright?

greatnt249 0

"Maybe you should be such a dick to your friends" It depends on how he said it. I call my friends ******* all the time without any ill intent. At any rate, to go with what the others said, not everyone has caller ID; none of the phones in my house do, and we get by just fine. Seriously, how was the OP supposed to interpret heavy breathing on the other end of the line?

Wow, you're quite heartless. Did your grandma have a heart attack, too, after hearing words like that come out of her grandchild's mouth??? I hope she's ok.

Geez, people are so sensitive here. "you shouldnt say thigns like that to your friends". Has the phrase "ball-breaking" ever come to mind? Have you ever jokingly called your friend a name, or do you guys just sit around campfires all night long, hugging each other and expressing your platonic love?

DuchessAngel37 0

Guys..... the majority of people don't die from a stroke. Not everyone has caller ID. ... or if they do, it's not on all phones. For instance, my kitchen phone is ancient and has no caller ID. Phone in my room, yes. Stop being dicks. If you answer the phone and only hear breathing on the other end and no one answering you, how many hellos do you give them? I usually only give one more after a couple seconds, then the cursing starts. I'm sure the OP said hello a few times first and THEN went to 'get off the phone ******'. So, that being said, this sucks, but you didn't deserve it. With any "luck" grandma was to busy dealing with the clot in her brain to notice what you said.

Why do so many people think heavy breathing means stalker? How can so many people on here be so narcissistic that their first thought is, "I'm so sexy I've got creeps after me!"?