By badgrandchild - 16/03/2009 21:01 - United States

Today, my phone rang while I was home alone. When I picked up, all I could hear was heavy breathing. Convinced it was one of my friends playing a joke, I said loudly, "Get off the phone, you fucker, and don't call back!" It turned out it was my grandma. She had been having a stroke. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 617
You deserved it 92 133

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ummmyeahhh 0

ok, bad move. but if all you heard was heavy breathing, you'd think it was some creeper or a prank. so, yeah, i understand. hope your grandma is okay.


We don't have caller ID on our house phones. But our cellphones have it, so why bother spending the extra money? It was an honest mistake.

Not everyone has caller ID, people. Jeez.

#most of you morons - Even if someone has caller ID, numbers can still show up anonymous or unknown, or maybe the OP didn't recognize the number. Think a little bit.

# 73 --- I think you missed the point - he thought it was his friend, not a stalker....reread the post lol

It's 2009, how do you not know wtf caller ID is? Idiot.

#81 - everyone knows what caller I.D is...but not everyone has it I have 5 phone in my house on 3 different floors, and only ONE has a caller I.D screen so a lot of the times I answer the phone and have no idea who it is just deal with the fact that he doesn't have caller I.D, okay?? lol