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By Anonymous - 20/08/2015 04:16 - United States - El Cajon

Today, my psycho landlord threatened to take me to court if I don't pay my rent on time this month. I'd totally understand if he weren't my father-in-law, and if the reason I didn't pay on time before was because of hospital fees I'd incurred for an emergency appendectomy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 021
You deserved it 2 649

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's harsh, hope you're well again OP, and that you can come to an agreement on your rent :(

sometimes you're just far better off without relatives!


That's harsh, hope you're well again OP, and that you can come to an agreement on your rent :(

if it was me I would not worry about it because as long as you're not a few months behind they won't do anything

#27, It doesn't matter if you're a month behind on rent or a week. They can kick you out whenever they want for being late.

That's not true at all. In nearly all cases the law requires minimum thirty days notice.

But they can still kick you out on 30 days notice if you miss your rent by a week.

You'd think he'd be a little more understanding OP. Maybe it's time to move to another apartment

If my family is any example at all, then I can say that family gets grouchy and batshit bullheaded insane when it comes to money.

JustinJK 21

My family let's me live rent free. Idk why families fight about money.

That is because people think that they can get away with all sorts of rubbish because the people they owe money to are family.

What a dick. Especially since he knew what has happened.

sometimes you're just far better off without relatives!

746278Ab 14

Time to get a new apartment... I would hate to have him as a landlord! Grow some space between him and your new family

Hunkapoo 19

he doesn't sound like a reasonable person. if he takes you to court im sure it would go in your favor, one month isn't that late and the.circumstances are mitigating.

Probably wouldn't go in their favor, but it depends what is on the lease agreement. Family or not, it is their responsibility to pay rent according to the lease agreement they signed. Now from a family standpoint, FYL he sounds like a total dickwad.

Sorry, but a bill is a bill. It is unclear if you were only late one time or if this medical thing happened a while ago and you are still catching up. If you knew you were going to be late, you should have told him beforehand, not just expected him to give you a pass because he is family.

shmoooopie 29

I don't think op knew they were going to have an emergency appendectomy

Of course no one knows when they will have an emergency come up, but the people who plan ahead of time for emergencies are the ones who have a far easier time dealing with them. Feel free to down vote. I know personal responsibility is not popular.

I 100% agree with you. It sucks an emergency happened, but that doesn't excuse being delinquent on any obligation such as paying your bills.

I agree with you somewhat, however due to the fact that there was an emergency there can be a bit of leeway as far as time is concerned. It isnt like OP didn't pay the bill, they were just late. People get behind bills all the time, as long as you do pay it as soon as possible thats a better outcome than not paying. What he said was essentially unnecessary due to the fact that he knew OP had a medical emergency and still did pay the bills, it was just not timely, so OP has had the intent of paying the bills. There is a difference between being late and not paying at all.

What if OPs father in law has a mortgage on the house? I don't think the bank will be giving him too much leeway on paying that on time. Every one has bills to pay.

If it's a one time thing they actually can be accommodating. I know the bank my mortgage is with (SunTrust) actually has a two week grace period every month. And if I had some kind of one-time emergency they would possibly work with me. This is from their website: "Are you having trouble making your mortgage payments? We understand that difficult financial times can happen to good people. Let us show you how we can help. If you are having difficulty making your mortgage payments due to circumstances beyond your control, we may be able to help. We have a number of ways to work with you during these difficult financial times that may help you keep your home. If you are having trouble, please do not delay in contacting us."

They do have options to help you, but in the end the bill still has to be paid...

rabbi1010 29

fyl op. It doesnt sound like theres much room for compromise but i would try to talk to him about making a partial payment. And then a written agreement between you both for when the rest of the amount will be paid. then if he does take you to court you can explain that you tried to work it out

I understand that he wants his money, but family should always come first and he should've been a little more understanding. He sounds like a total jerk. FYL.