By Anonymous - 20/08/2015 04:16 - United States - El Cajon

Today, my psycho landlord threatened to take me to court if I don't pay my rent on time this month. I'd totally understand if he weren't my father-in-law, and if the reason I didn't pay on time before was because of hospital fees I'd incurred for an emergency appendectomy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 018
You deserved it 2 645

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's harsh, hope you're well again OP, and that you can come to an agreement on your rent :(

sometimes you're just far better off without relatives!


hipposteve 21

move! it'll be better in the long run.. get well soon!

Won't he be kicking out his own daughter too? That shit is cold! Wouldn't want him as my landlord or father - in - law for that matter.

Thank you! This is what I came here to say. Fine, the rent is late, and it sucks on both sides, but to potentially kick your daughter out on the street? Something doesn't make sense.

by law you have 15 days leeway depending on where you live.

That is certainly not the case. California law is pretty renter-friendly but a landlord can go to court when rent is four days late.

It's always no matter what comes up you need to pay on time...or compromise...but come on this is a bit extreme you're family...

Stuff happens. Excuses don't pay the rent.

MrZsDad 19

Never rent from or to family. Someone always expects special treatment. While I totally feel for any medical emergency, you took on the financial obligation, and there is a good chance that rent is being counted on.

I'm sorry op, but you deserve it. My family has a rental house and we just had to kick our most recent tenants out because they weren't paying rent! They weren't paying rent because they had medical bills because their daughter broke her arm. If you don't pay your medical bills, they won't kick you out of your house. If you don't pay your rent, you will get kicked out of your house!

Not arguing whether the OP deserves it or not. I am just going to point out that you said "they weren't paying rent" and the OP said that they "didn't pay on time". In the case of your family it sounds like you weren't getting your money at all. Which is a fully justifiable reason to kick someone out. In the OP's case they were paying, they just didn't pay on time. So like for example the rent is due on the first of the month but the OP paid on the fifth last time due to their medical bills. Those are two separate situations. The average landlord would rather you pay late than not pay at all and most will give you leeway if you talk to them and explain what's happening.

Wow, so your family put another family on the streets because their daughter had an accident and they were in financial troubles? You must feel so warm and fuzzy inside...

@39: You obviously have no experience being a landlord. Landlords have no business with whatever the reason is for not paying the rent. If you have to make an exception for every excuse that comes by, you will never ever get your money from anyone.

@42 actually my issue with @26 post is that he is kinda boasting that his family got rid of tenants who were struggling due to medical bills. Fair enough, bills need to be paid but he doesn't even seem to feel bad about it. The icing on the cake is that his solution to the problem was not to pay the medical bills.

Obamacare is a great thing, you should try it