By saracenslament - 22/11/2016 11:47

Today, my relationship with my family is so bad that when someone burst into my house without ringing the doorbell, my first assumption was, "Oh God I hope it's not my mum visiting!" rather than, "Oh God, it's a burglar!" It was actually my mother-in-law, and I was truly relieved. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 706
You deserved it 953

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sure she was relieved too. After all, you bought her mother-in-law disguise. She was able to rob your house with ease after wondering whether or not the cheek pinching and attempts to ground your spouse took it too far.

thepeniswrinkler 14

Well, at least you don't have family issues and burglary issues


thepeniswrinkler 14

Well, at least you don't have family issues and burglary issues

My sympathies; I moved five states away from my mother and still worry about her tracking me down and showing up out of nowhere.

Five states away? That'll really help me refine my search radius, honey.

We were waiting on food to arrive, so I had the door unlocked so I wouldn't have to mess around with it.

Well a burglar wouldn't "burst" into your house, so that one was kinda obvious...

ChiefKoala 30

Are you sure about that mate? Like. Are you really sure? That maybe the burglar would've assumed the door was locked without trying the knob and just busted the door open?

Taco The Dank 27

Yeah, because all burglars are kind enough to knock on the door and wait, whether there's a car in the driveway or not.

ChiefKoala 30

Knowing my crippling anxiety i would probably be the ONE to knock and politely ask to rob them. because ya know, i wouldn't want to bother them or anything.

I'm sure she was relieved too. After all, you bought her mother-in-law disguise. She was able to rob your house with ease after wondering whether or not the cheek pinching and attempts to ground your spouse took it too far.

Taco The Dank 27

The next question to ask is why did your mother-in-law burst into your house without ringing?

Probably because we don't ring when we go to hers, though it'd be hard to since they don't have a doorbell lol.

Taco The Dank 27

lol, it's a taste of your own medicine

Honestly in the exact position with my family (mainly my mom).

Could have been the Kool aid man. Oh Yeah!

Nah, the Kool-Aid Man doesn't even bother with the door if there's a perfectly good wall he can smash through instead.

It's your house right? How about getting a door that locks? Maybe that would keep them out.